25 Little Strategies For Daily Success

Last year I started thinking about what I did when I was at my best. I started writing the simple day to day disciplines that, when I actually invested the time to do them, I was far more productive and energetic. I realized that’s how I got time back so these little things were actually time investments.









I’m finishing up my annual escape to the beach. I know, I know…it’sWINTER …in MARYLAND… I like the alone time near the water. No, I don’t do the polar bear plunge thing.

Anyway, as I reflect on my list and added a few things this week, I though some of them might be useful to others. My list is very personal and specific. The following is generisized (my word…I’m at the beach. Gimme a break). Most of them are so simple, they sound silly. But simple works. Most of success ain’t brain surgery, it’s doing the little things and the fundamentals really well. So here you go:

  1. Get to bed as early as possible, get started early in the morning.
  2. Get at least 7 hours of sleep.
  3. Before your feet hit the floor, visualize what success looks like. Count a blessing or three.
  4. Spend the first hour focusing on things more important than work.
  5. Schedule the day in advance.
  6. Exercise in AM – 15 minutes, high intensity.
  7. Exercise hard 3 times per week in PM.
  8. Celebrate little victories.
  9. Do nice things for others.
  10. Eat smaller portions.
  11. Listen to instructive and upbuilding audio in the car. Zero stress commuting so long as you don’t crash thinking about what you hear.
  12. Pay bills and review budget every week.
  13. Rest on Sundays, focusing on more important things including family.
  14. Break the day into quarters, stopping to review, think and plan a couple of minutes.
  15. Review goals and governing values during the day.
  16. Choose to do things sooner rather than later.
  17. Plan and enjoy down time after high energy things like speaking or teaching – any activity you know will make you toast when you’re done.
  18. Wake up later the morning after night meetings.
  19. Keep the house neat and clean.
  20. Make progress on hard or nagging tasks.
  21. Journal thoughts and ideas.
  22. Go back to journal and actually follow up on things.
  23. Take a short nap, or at least pull the plug and relax, in the afternoon.
  24. Remember to start with yes and finish with yes.
  25. Think about tasks as things you get to do instead of things you have to do.

I’m sure not all this will apply. Number 23 made zero sense to me until it got to the other side of 50 (ouch). But hopefully it gives you an idea to two.

I’d love to hear your strategies. What puts you in a place to be your best?