Get Stuff Done and Have Some Fun – A 20 Question Checkup From the Neck Up

It’s Labor Day here in the U.S. We celebrate it by taking a day off. Something about that always made me laugh a little. The truth is, “celebration” and “labor” are rarely found in the same sentence. Apparently, somewhere between 70% and 90%  of employees do not feel engaged in their work. My experience working closely with community association professionals leaves me unsurprised (and saddened) by those statistics.

I got some interesting comments about an online job bank announcement I posted a few years ago for a client. I must have been a little frustrated when I wrote something along the lines of “butt covering, blame shifting, can’t do managers need not apply.” I may have used the term “retread…” I was serious. A burned out, disengaged manager just wouldn’t cut it. The client had a keen BS-o-Meter and needed somebody who would walk the walk.

It occurs to me I’ve developed a list of contrasts in my head – behaviors, character traits, and perspectives that seem to reveal the difference between managers who excel and enjoy what they do, and those who seem mired in mediocrity and misery. I use these to evaluate manager candidates. I also use them as a self-test to see if I am falling into non-productive habits. Here goes…

  1. Am I more bored or more curious?
  2. Am I intellectually lazy or looking to learn?
  3. Am I prepared or am I winging it?
  4. Am I focused on personal credit or team success?
  5. Am I covering by butt or am I taking ownership?
  6. Am I setting a positive tone and creating a space for others to mirror me, or am I mirroring others and leaving mood up to chance?
  7. Am I looking for ways to make a difference (no matter how small) or am I doing just enough to get by?
  8. Am I frowning more or smiling more?
  9. Am I stuck in the weeds or am I seeing the bigger picture?
  10. Has my thinking become task-based (my job is done when I check the box), or results-based (my job is done when the goal is met)?
  11. Am I spending more time explaining procedures or the principles behind the procedures?
  12. Am I spending more time explaining why things can’t be done or getting things done?
  13. Do I have a bias for action or stasis?
  14. Am I holding myself accountable or making excuses?
  15. Am I complaining about unfairness (that which I cannot control) or am I being my best self (that which I can control)?
  16. Am I focusing on the disappointments of the day or what I can learn from them?
  17. What words am I using more often – us and we, or I and me?
  18. Is it getting to be a J-O-B or is it a career (or better yet, a calling)?
  19. Am I thinking or just doing?
  20. I am blindly following my client’s instructions, or am I helping them make educated decisions?

The old adage is correct – you reap what you sow. When you focus on doing better and being better, you are far more likely to feel better and get more out of every experience. It’s so tempting to take the easy path, to be negative, and to blame others. I guarantee you see people around you who do that every day of their unhappy lives. That stuff rubs off. That’s why I like to do a checkup from the neck up from time to time. And if you pass the test and your situation is still crummy, perhaps it’s time to apply #13 and find a new situation.

Do you have a contrasting question to add to the list? Please share!

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